Programs & Packages Related to preview-latex

preview-latex is explicitly focused on placing identifiable previewed scraps of TeX, compositions, right in your source buffer in the way most convenient for editing. It does not cater for any other WYSIWYG concepts. In particular, it does not change the manner in which you have to enter your input: you still need to know what and how to type. If you have had no previous exposure to LaTeX, are accustomed to usual text processors, and do not need to work on LaTeX documents together with other authors, then there may be more convenient ways for you to harness the typesetting quality of LaTeX. Two TeX-related word processors with a more `customary' user and input interface are: While both of these systems have ways of entering LaTeX code that the processor itself does not understand, creating documents making extensive use of this feature would be defeating their point.

Because of this and because they save their texts in their own formats, those systems are not quite frontends to LaTeX, but rather employ LaTeX as a backend. They provide you with convenient access to LaTeX's quality, but not to its native flexibility, power, and interchangeability.

So there may be good reason to bite the bullet, and use a real editor intended for editing basically plain text, and Emacs is an excellent contender. If you go for Emacs, here are additional packages worth looking at: