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6.1 The LaTeX style file

The main purpose of this package is the extraction of certain environments (most notably displayed formulas) for use in different contexts. While the erstwhile application has been the embedding of those preview fragments into Emacs source buffers under the AUCTeX editing environment, other applications are easily imaginable.

In particular it should be noted that producing EPS files with Dvips and its derivatives using the -E option is not currently well-supported by LaTeX. People make do by fiddling around with \thispagestyle{empty} and hoping for the best (namely, that the specified contents will indeed fit on single pages), and then trying to guess the baseline of the resulting code and stuff, but this is at best dissatisfactory. The preview package provides an easy way to ensure that exactly one page per request gets shipped, with a well-defined baseline and no page decorations. Thus you can safely use

     dvips -E -i

and get a single EPS file with shrink-wrapped bounding box for every generated image of a LaTeX run.

If your ultimate goal is to produce a set of files in a different format that can be produced by GhostScript, take a look at the tightpage option of the preview package. This will embed the page dimensions into the PostScript code, obliterating the need to use the -E -i options to Dvips. You can then produce all image files with a single run of GhostScript from a single PostScript file for all images at once. The tightpage option requires setting the dvips option as well.

Various options exist that will pass TeX dimensions and other information about the respective shipped out material (including descender size) into the log file, where external applications might make use of it.

The possibility for generating a whole set of graphics with a single run of LaTeX, Dvips, and GhostScript increases both speed and robustness of applications. It is to be hoped that applications like LaTeX2HTML will be able to make use of this package in future.